2023 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey Results Published

The Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) aims to understand people’s experiences of cancer care to help improve the quality of NHS cancer services.

The survey takes place each year and covers all acute and specialist NHS trusts in England that provide adult acute cancer services.  It is the 13th year that the survey has been undertaken on behalf of NHS England.

The survey includes a range of questions about people’s experience including finding out they had cancer, hospital care to ongoing help and support needs.  The results also help to understand differences in people’s experiences, for example, to see if people answer differently depending on age, ethnicity, or their type of cancer.

The 2023 CPES was completed by 4,273 patients in North East and North Cumbria, resulting in a 54% response rate, just slightly above the national response rate of 52% (63,438).

Patients responding to the survey in our region gave an overall rating of 8.99 out of 10 for experience of care.  13 of the questions scored above the expected range and there were no scores below the expected range.

The Northern Cancer Alliance area CPES results can be viewed here.

Nicky Lambert, Clinical Lead for Nursing, Northern Cancer Alliance, said: “Understanding patients experience of care is really important, as we want cancer patients to have the best experience possible.  Getting feedback through the CPES survey from patients helps us to monitor progress and make improvements based on what really matters to people.  The Northern Cancer Alliance will be working with organisations from across the region to review the latest CPES results and identify areas for continued improvement.  Thank you to all of those who participated in the 2023 Cancer Patient Experience Survey. ”

CPES results are available by NHS Trust and Cancer Alliance. All reports can be viewed here.

For more information about the CPES, please visit ncpes.co.uk.