Health and wellbeing information for everyone
It is important that whilst being kind to others during this difficult time, we that we are also kind to ourselves. Below are some links to what we hope will be helpful information on how to care for your own health and wellbeing:
- Every Mind Matters, please click here.
- Mind, please click here.
- Age UK please click here.
- Mental Health Foundation please click here.
Healthy Eating
The community charity HealthWorks has a dedicated webpage for healthy eating which will be refreshed each week with new recipes and other news. They have also produced a digital cookbook “25:25 Cookbook” which features 25 easy recipes to commemorate our 25th anniversary. This will be available as a free download when people sign up for their newsletter.
Stop Smoking Advice
There has never been a more important time to quit smoking than right now to reduce your risk from Covid. Smoking tobacco damages the lungs and airways causing a range of severe respiratory problems. Smoking is also detrimental to the immune system and its responsiveness to infections. If you smoke, you are putting yourself at greater risk of developing severe respiratory complications from the Covid virus.
The priority is to stop smoking, whatever way works for you, see for help to QuitForCovid or NHS Smokefree for tips, free tools and details of local stop smoking support and to find out what is available for you locally.
Alcohol Consumption
It is more important than ever to look after our mental wellbeing and physical health – cutting back on alcohol can help us do that. Drinking regularly can increase our risk of at least seven types of cancer, damage the liver and raise our risk of heart disease, high blood pressure (hypertension) and stroke. It can lead to us gaining weight and increase the risk of anxiety and depression.
The best way to reduce your risk is to cut down. Visit, try the alcohol units quiz, and download the free Try Dry app to track your units, calories and money saved when you cut down or cut out alcohol.
Domestic Abuse
The UK government has launched a campaign to support anyone who feels they are risk of domestic abuse during the pandemic. To access this information please click here. Additional Information and support is available from Safe Lives, please click here to access.
Supporting someone with a learning disability or autism
Keeping People with Learning Disability/Autism Connected is an ICS (Integrated Care System) project covering the North East and North Cumbria. It is a co-ordinated approach to help people with a learning disability/autism stay safe, well and connected during the pandemic. The project is co-ordinated by the North East & Cumbria Learning Disability Network and Inclusion North. It is delivered in every Local Authority area by a local self-advocacy or other CVS organisation. For further information about this important project, please click here.