Deciding right Resources
Below is a range of useful resources including full guidance documents for clinicians and other professionals to help you navigate Deciding right.
Find all the Deciding right forms here.
Deciding right – Your life, Your choice – A guide to making individual care decisions in advance with Children, Young People and Adults.
This comprehensive guide describing everything about the process and application of Deciding right in full.
Download the Deciding right guidance Your life, Your choice
Download the Deciding right leaflet
Deciding right Education Resources for Professionals
Access currently available Deciding right education materials for professionals
Act and Adopt
Act and Adopt is an implementation checklist for small and large organisations designed to help you check that you have the elements in place for successfully introducing Deciding right.
Download the Act and Adopt checklist
Planning For Your Future Care Leaflet
A leaflet for patients on advance care planning.
Download the Planning for your future care leaflet
Supporting someone with a learning disability
Northumberland Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust have produced an easy read patient information leaflet entitled Advance Decisions and Advance Statements: Making choices about your care and treatment, a copy of which can be found here
Sunderland Learning Disability Services have worked closely with colleagues in palliative care to make sure they share the knowledge and experience…developing information that is easy to understand about becoming poorly and maybe reaching the end of your life. They have also developed what they call My End of Life Booklet. Its a good idea to fill this in when you are well so that in the future people who love and care for you will know what you wanted when you are no longer there. Please follow this link for their information on reaching the end of life. This is excellent information for people with learning disabilities, their families and all carers. There are three further leaflets available and also a word bank that aims to explain complicated words.
Marie Curie provides a selection of easy read booklets to support those living with or having an illness they will probably die from. Please follow this link to find these booklets on their website.
Algorithms and Infographics
A Future Discussion Infographic/Algorithm
Advance Care Planning (ACP) enables individuals to think about how their condition may affect them in the future. This algorthim should be used in conjunction with the guidance from the GMC on Advance Care Planning (ACP).
Download the A Future Discussion infographic
Download the Treatment and care towards the end of life
Making Best Interest Decisions in Care Crisis in Adults
Algorithm on making clinical decisions in serious medical conditions.
Download the Making Best Interest Decisions in Care Crisis in Adults
Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Medical Devices Algorithm
Algorithm for making decisions when considering withdrawal of life-sustaining devices.
Download the Withdrawing life-sustaining medical devices infographic