Prostate Case finding
Suggested PCN/ practice activities to promote prostate cancer awareness and case finding in areas with poor recovery of referrals and first treatments.
Download as PDF: Prostate case finding 202223 V6
General principles recommended by the Northern Cancer Alliance are:
- PSA testing can be arranged regardless of symptoms – as most early prostate cancers do not have symptoms.
- PSA case finding work should target patients over 50 (or over 45 if risk factors) to promote the opportunity for a PSA test and leaflet.
- Any patient requesting PSA, should be given the opportunity to have a PSA blood test, after reading the PSA shared decision making (SDM) leaflet.
- PSA testing can be directly arranged for patient without clinical involvement or approval if they have been given access to the prostate SDM leaflet.
- Normal PSA results do not require any further clinical input.
- Raised PSA results will require Clinical review to determine onward referral, in line with NICE guidelines.
- We suggest patients >80 years old, with PSA over 20, could have Fast Track Suspected Cancer referral within NG12 guidance, but GPs may wish to use clinical judgement and SDM.
- We have no guidance as to repeat PSA testing timeframes as this isn’t a screening programme. Therefore, clinical judgement is required and expect annually testing as minimal timing.
- Patients with prostatism symptoms would require a clinical review to evaluation and consider investigations and potential treatments.
PSA Patient Prostate SDM Tool
Link to PSA testing and prostate cancer SDM (NHS)
Prostate Cancer UK resources:
Delivering the PCN Directed Enhanced Service for Prostate Cancer
Dr Shaun Lackey, Clinical Lead, NCA