Prevention, Awareness and Screening

Identification of and tackling the preventable causes of cancers are a priority for the NCA.

Cancer Research UK estimates that 38% of cancers are preventable (2015).

It is therefore important that we all try to reduce our risk of developing cancer for ourselves, families, friends and the communities in which we live.

The NCA wants to support access to information, education and resources to support people to make choices to improve health and reduce risks of cancer. This includes: avoiding and stopping smoking, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, reducing risks from alcohol and improving access to, and uptake of screening programmes.

The issues around prevention are similar for other disease areas and the Northern Cancer Alliance works with a number of partners across the North East and North Cumbria to address these. Our partners include Fresh and Balance, the Clinical Networks and ICS work streams.


Cancer Research can provide a wide range of campaign materials, resources and training around prevention and cancer risk reduction as well as information and updates on the National Cancer Screening Programmes and ways to reduce barriers to participation. We work with a wide range of partners to achieve this, including GP practice teams, local authorities and NHS England and acute providers.