Upcoming webinars

NCA Share and Learn Event – Introduction to Immunotherapy

Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) immunotherapies are a novel form of treatment for cancer. In this session Dr Abigail Gault, from the Northern Centre for Cancer Care at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle, will talk us through the background behind these drugs, how they work, why we use them, and newer treatments that are in development. The webinar will also cover the side effects patients may experience and how to manage these.

Register for the Share and Learn event here

Speaker Bio – Dr Abigail Gault

NCA Share and Learn Event: Cancer and the Menopause

Wednesday 10th July 2024

Many patients experience menopausal symptoms during or after cancer treatment. Just because they have, or have had cancer, does not mean they need to put up with these symptoms. The session will cover how to manage menopausal symptoms, giving Health Care Professionals the tools and resources to support your patients.

Register for the Share and Learn Event here

NCA Share and Learn Event – the Importance of Welfare Benefits Advice to People Living with Cancer

Tuesday 10th September 2024

4 in 5 people living with cancer are, on average, up to £891 a month worse off because of their illness. Stark statistics show that up to 50% of patients are not aware of how to get advice to identify benefits and support that they may be entitled to.

Macmillan envisage a world where every person affected by cancer is able to access free, impartial advice and guidance in relation to their finances to work in harmony alongside the medical pathway.

Focusing on the importance of welfare benefits advice to people living with cancer, Lucy Mayou and Richard Hunt, Welfare Benefits Development Managers at Macmillan Cancer Support will explore the reasons why benefits advice is so important as well as highlighting the role of the benefits adviser, the outcomes that they can achieve for patients and ways to connect with your local benefit services.

Register for the Share and Learn event here

Speaker Bio – Lucy Mayou

Speak Bio – Richard Hunt