Deciding right Education Resources for Professionals
The available education resources here are a series of materials specifically developed by the Regional Deciding right Education Group. These resources are for individuals and training facilitators who have a responsibility to deliver training specifically on Deciding right. All the resources are designed to help meet the learning needs of staff and volunteers involved in providing end of life care to people across a range of settings. The resources have been developed and piloted by teams of experienced palliative medicine and end of life care professionals from the regional group.
“Top Tips” for Virtual training for Deciding right
Getting Started with Deciding right
Please use this information to guide and support you getting started with Deciding right
E-Learning module
The aim of the module is to equip you with an awareness of Deciding right, and provide information of the different outcomes related to the regional initiative which can be implemented in practice.
The learning outcomes for this module are:
- To gain a baseline awareness of Deciding right
- To be able to identify the different Deciding right outcomes
This E-Learning module is intended for ALL staff with a Caring Responsibility
Information on the eLearning module
Deciding right workbook
The aim of this workbook is to equip you with an awareness of Deciding right: the North East Regional Initiative for making decisions in advance for children, younger people and adults, and provide information of the different outcomes related to the regional initiative which can be implemented in practice.
The learning outcomes for this module are:
- To gain a baseline awareness of Deciding right
- To be able to identify the different Deciding right outcomes
Deciding right public facing Powerpoint
Deciding right is an integrated approach to making care decisions in advance with children, young people and adults. This is a short presentation which is aimed at raising public awareness of an initiative to support you to make plans about your future care.
Alternatively this video is available from St Benedicts Hospice and Centre for Specialist Palliative Care website.
CLIP worksheet – Principles of Planning Care in Advance
Deciding right 3 hour workshop resources:
CLIP worksheet – Principles of Planning Care in Advance
CLIP worksheet – Emergency Health Care Plans (EHCP)
CLIP worksheet – Issues around Resuscitation
CLIP worksheet – Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment (ADRT)
CLIP worksheet – Best Interests
Northern England Clinical Networks Respect Position Statement
Education Project
Deciding Right Network Education Project Report January 2018 FINAL